I was browsing through the SVN update log for mojoPortal this afternoon and I am very excited about some of the things Joe Audette is working on for the upcoming release.
I started browsing around the demo site (http://demo.mojoportal.com) so I could see some of the new changes in action. The list below are just the ones I found interesting, there are a lot more changes coming in the next release.
- A new File Manager has been added and the old one has been re-factored. The new File Manager is very nice and is a big improvement over the old one. It uses Javascript whereas the old one doesn't so Audette decided to keep the old File Manager and allow users to switch back and forth between the old and the new. Usability is very big to mojoPortal and as a matter of fact, mojoPortal can be used entirely without Javascript if one chooses to do so. There is also a new link with the Administration and Edit Page links which opens the File Manager in a graybox. This allows for easy access to the File Manager at all times.

- Adding users to Roles via the Role Administration admin page is a lot easier thanks to a new selector dialog. Previously, users not in a role were listed in a single drop-down list which made it very difficult to use when a site had a lot of users.

- mojoPortal uses a CSSHandler to combine & minimize CSS files. This process makes caching easier and allows sites to load faster. The url to CSSHandler has been http://somedomain.com/data/sites/[sitenumber]/skins/[skinname]/CSSHandler.ashx. This required the Data directory or at least the skin directory to be executable which is not ideal. The CSSHandler URL has been moved to the root of applicaiton in the next release. Problem solved.
- A new SQL Query tool will allow developers to easily see and modify data in the database from the website. This tool must be enabled by a site administrator in the web.config prior to it being available for use. It will allow developers to save queries which can be used to populate date in a custom module for quick and dirty data access.

- The main administration links (admin, add page, edit page, page settings) used to be just that, links. If a site designer like yours truly wanted to display the links in a drawer or some other type of cool UI, custom code would have to be developed to create the links manually. This next version will include support for controls for each link which means it will be possible to declare them directly in the layout.master and they will show/hide automatically according to internal logic. See number 6 for what this really means.
- The jQuery Extruder plugin has been included with mojoPortal which allows for an example of using a widget with the admin links.

- The blog is getting some attention this go 'round. Community feedback suggested a preview draft option, paging, option to display only blog titles in the main blog page, and a few other improvements. All of them, that I noticed anyway, made it into the core! Check out the demo, to get a better idea of what has changed with the blog.
- The Search facility will now provide a link to download items in ShareFiles modules. Previously, just a link to the Shared Files module was provided.
Rather impressive what Joe Audette can get done in just a few weeks, isn't it?
What improvements or features are you waiting to see implemented? Why not buy Joe Audette a Coffee to show him your appreciation?