Link mojoPortal Welcome Message to User's Profile

The mojoPortal Welcome Message control can be configured to link to the logged-in user's profile. This is useful if you want to have a message like "Signed In As: USER NAME" and have USER NAME link to the user's profile settings.

Here's the code for it:

<portal:WelcomeMessage id="WelcomeMessage" runat="server"
	OverrideFormat="Welcome, <a id='lnkMyAccount' href='/Secure/UserProfile.aspx' title='Manage your User Account'>{0}</a>" />

The {0} is where the user name will be placed.

And that's that. Happy mojo-ing!

View User Profile for Joe Davis Joe is the Founder and Managing Director of i7MEDIA. His passion is finding creative solutions to complex problems. He is married to Devyn and has three kids; Elijah, Ruth and Hannah. He is a Christian and life-long Boy Scout. When he is not at work, he's working his small homestead farm, or volunteering with the Boy Scouts or his church.
