Mocha Released

Announcing the release of Mocha v1

Earlier this year we released a free skin called SwiftBlue. Now we're happy to announce that we've just released another HTML5 mojoPortal skin called Mocha. Mocha is SwiftBlue's Sister skin, and more are to come. It was designed as a contribution to the mojoPortal community and the html5mojo project. Like SwiftBlue, Mocha was created with semantics-friendly HTML5 Markup.

Check out the live demo website to see what your mojoPortal website could look like today!

Mocha Screenshot
Mocha is an HTML5 mojoPortal skin which was designed by i7MEDIA.
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Styling the mojoPortal HTML SlideShow Pager

Back in March of 2011 we added the "Pager" option to the Slide Show feature of the mojoPortal HTML Module. Since that time, we've seen some requests for styling the pager links so here's a simple style we use on this site. It can be adapted to any design and doesn't use any images. To use this CSS, just copy it to one of your skin's .css files and then apply the "prettycyclenav" class to the "Custom CSS Class" option in the HTML module settings. If you want the slide number to be shown within the navigation, add the "withnumbers" class to the "Custom CSS Class" option.

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SwiftBlue v1 Released

Announcing the release of SwiftBlue v1

SwiftBlue is the first in a series of template skins developed by i7MEDIA for mojoPortal. It was designed as a contribution to the mojoPortal community and the html5mojo project. SwiftBlue has been created with semantics-friendly HTML5 Markup.

Check out the live demo website to see what your mojoPortal website could look like today!

SwiftBlue is an HTML5 mojoPortal skin which was designed by i7MEDIA.
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Hide Module Settings and Edit Links

One of the things that most of our users like the most about mojoPortal is the easy access they have to module settings and edit screens. Sometimes, people ask if they can hide these links (or icons if the skin uses those) while remaining logged into the site.

Well, here's an extremely easy way to hide the links without sacrificing the usability of mojoPortal. This solution is completely skin based so it doesn't require any additions to the mojoPortal core.

First, we add the following to our skin script (see "Optimize Your mojoPortal Skin Scripts" for more info):

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