mojoPortal Online User Group: A Great Value Add

The mojoPortal Online User Group, started by David Dean of Yamisee, has been going strong for a few months now. A couple different people have led the monthly meetings, each bringing valuable information to those who attend. I believe this group is a great Value Add for the community as the meetings are open to the public and the type of information discussed ranges between installation, skinning and programming. Joe Audette, mojoPortal Founder and Chief Developer, attends the meetings regularly and is even leading the August meeting. Over the past couple of months, the topics and leaders read more

Lifetime Licensing on mojoPortal Pro Products

I noticed recently that Joe Audette has changed the licensing on the "Pro" products offered on the mojoPortal website to be lifetime licenses. Previously, the licenses allowed updates for 1 year but Joe never really enforced that.

This is really nice for the community as we don't have to worry about renewing our licenses and purchasing upgrades. Pay for it once and forget it. Sounds pretty darn good to me.

mojoPortal Page Titles

Update: Joe Audette has decided to implement this in the next version of mojoPortal, due in a couple of weeks. He is updating the <portal:PageTitle control with this functionality. I have from time to time needed to show a page's title within the content as a heading. The controls that come with mojoPortal don't really allow for this but I have come up with a handy little control that will show the Page Title on the page and allow you to choose how the text is rendered. To get started, create two files; PageTitle.ascx and PageTitle.ascx.cs. Place both of these files in the read more

Skinning the mojoPortal Admin Toolbar

When Joe Audette released mojoPortal he wrote an article called "Creating An Admin Toolbar" in the mojoPortal Skinning Documentation. The toolbar uses jQuery to easily show and hide itself and is skinned entirely by using CSS. If you follow Joe's directions or you are using a skin that came with with the toolbar enabled, you will have a toolbar that looks like this: While this serves a perfectly good function, there are a few things about it I don't like. It is gray and there are no icons depicting the links. I happen to like icons and bright colors so, I came up read more