Installation and Upgrades

  1. Backup your mojoPortal website files and database.
  2. Copy the contents of the zip to the root of your mojoPortal installation.
  3. Browse to http://www.yoursite.url/setup/default.aspx to run setup.


Application Pre-Fill 

The fields on the job application can be pre-filled with data from the user profile. For this to work, the profile fields must be mapped to the Job Board application fields.

To create the custom profile fields for the user profile, you should follow the instructions in the User Profile Configuration document on the mojoPortal site. In general, what you need to do is make a copy of the mojoProfile.config file with a name which describes your site. For instance, mojoProfile-acmewebsite.config. Once the file has been copied add the following line to your user.config file.

<add key="mojoProfileConfigFileName" value="mojoProfile-acmewebsite.config"/>

Next, add the fields from the following fields to the profile configuration file.

<add name="FirstName" labelResourceKey="FirstName" maxLength="100" columns="45" />
<add name="LastName" labelResourceKey="LastName" maxLength="100" columns="45" />
<add name="CellPhone" labelResourceKey="Cell Phone" maxLength="13" columns="45" />
<add name="HomePhone" labelResourceKey="Home Phone" maxLength="13" columns="45" />
<add name="NameAlias" labelResourceKey="Alias (Preferred Name)" maxLength="100" columns="45" />
<add name="Address" labelResourceKey="Address" maxLength="100" columns="45" />
<add name="Address2" labelResourceKey="Address 2" maxLength="100" columns="45" />
<add name="City" labelResourceKey="City" maxLength="100" columns="45" />
<add name="State" labelResourceKey="StateLabel" maxLength="100" />
<add name="ZipCode" labelResourceKey="Zip Code" maxLength="10" columns="45" />
<add name="Salutation" labelResourceKey="Title" maxLength="5" columns="45" />

Note that the field names and settings above are suggestions. You do not have use the same names and settings. FirstName and LastName are exceptions to this, you must use the FirstName and LastName names to use these fields. You do not need to use the same settings for these fields.

The final step is mapping the JobBoard to the profile fields. The FirstName, LastName and Email fields on the JobBoard Application aren't configurable so no mapping is necessary. To map the fields, add the following to the user.config file.

<!-- JobBoard Profile Mapping -->
<add key="JobBoard-NameAliasProfileKey" value="NameAlias"/>
<add key="JobBoard-HomePhoneProfileKey" value="HomePhone"/>
<add key="JobBoard-CellPhoneProfileKey" value="CellPhone"/>
<add key="JobBoard-AddressProfileKey" value="Address"/>
<add key="JobBoard-Address2ProfileKey" value="Address2"/>
<add key="JobBoard-CityProfileKey" value="City"/>
<add key="JobBoard-StateProfileKey" value="State"/>
<add key="JobBoard-PostalCodeProfileKey" value="ZipCode"/>
<add key="JobBoard-SalutationProfileKey" value="Salutation"/>

Note the value of each of these "Keys" corresponds to the Name of a profile field.

The values above match the fields in sample file so if different field names are used, please match those field names to the correct "Key."


Add the following to the style.config file of any skin used on the site. There is no need to add this to every installed skin, just the skins that are used.

<file cssvpath="/Data/style/JobBoard/style.css" imagebasevpath="/Data/style/JobBoard/images/">none</file>

All of the CSS contained in the included stylesheet can be overridden in your own stylesheets. It is recommended not to make any adjustments to the /Data/style/JobBoard/style.css file.

Message Templates

To customize the email messages sent by the Job Board, click the Job Board Settings link on the Job Board Dashboard and then select "Job Application Settings." The messages can be configured to include job and applicant details. This is done with "tokens" which are replaced when the messages are sent. The tokens are in the form of {token:NameOfToken}. Available tokens are listed below.

Job Tokens

  • JobTitle
  • JobCloseDate
  • JobCategory
  • JobReferenceNumber
  • JobLocation
  • JobType
  • JobEducationRequired
  • JobYearsOfExperience
  • JobSalary
  • JobStartDate
  • JobNumberOfOpenings
  • JobRequiredSkills
  • JobDesiredSkills
  • JobJobDescription
  • JobBenefits

Application Tokens

  • ApplicantSalutation
  • ApplicantFirstName
  • ApplicantMiddleName
  • ApplicantLastName
  • ApplicantAlias
  • ApplicantHomePhone
  • ApplicantMobilePhone
  • ApplicantAddress
  • ApplicantAddress2
  • ApplicantCity
  • ApplicantState
  • ApplicantPostalCode
  • ApplicantEmail
  • ApplicationDetailsLink (This token should only be used in Admin messages.)

Sample Admin Notification Message

Template Message as Delivered

A job application has been submitted.

Job Title: {token:JobTitle}

Applicant's Name: {token:ApplicantFirstName} {token:ApplicantLastName}

View the application here: {token:ApplicationDetailsLink}

A job application has been submitted.

Job Title: Really Cool Job

Applicant's Name: John Doe

View the application here:

Sample Applicant Notification Message

Template Message as Delivered

Hello, {token:ApplicantFirstName}

Your application for the {token:JobTitle} position was successfully submitted.

We will review the information shortly and reply if we feel that you may be a fit for our company.

Thank you for applying!

Hello, John

Your application for the Really Cool Job position was successfully submitted.

We will review the information shortly and reply if we feel that you may be a fit for our company.

Thank you for applying!